Input decimal: 22
Octal number: 26
Algorithm to convert decimal to octal
Algorithm Decimal to Octal conversion begin: read(decimal); octal ← 0; place ← 1; rem ← 0; While (decimal > 0) do begin: rem ← decimal % 8; octal ← (rem * place) + octal; place ← place * 10; decimal ← decimal / 8; end; print('Octal number' octal); end;
* C program to convert from Decimal to Octal number system
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
long long decimal, tempDecimal, octal;
int i, rem, place = 1;
octal = 0;
/* Input decimal number from user */
printf("Enter any decimal number: ");
scanf("%lld", &decimal);
tempDecimal = decimal;
/* Decimal to octal conversion */
while(tempDecimal > 0)
rem = tempDecimal % 8;
octal = (rem * place) + octal;
tempDecimal /= 8;
place *= 10;
printf("\nDecimal number = %lld\n", decimal);
printf("Octal number = %lld", octal);
return 0;
Output :
Enter any decimal number: 20
Decimal number = 20
Octal number = 24